Pathways for Careers in AI - Emerging Tech. | Design, Data & Emerging tech | AI jobs | AI Careers
The Associate Pathways for Careers in AI is a talent development initiative aimed at equipping the next generation of technology professionals with the skills and knowledge catered to the skills interest pipeline input by companies. We emphasize not only technical skills but also the ethical implications and societal impacts of AI, ensuring a well-rounded practice.

Bridging the Talent Gap in the AI Ecosystem

In an era where Artificial Intelligence (AI), particularly generative AI (GenAI), is revolutionizing the way we work and live, the demand for skilled AI professionals is expected to grow exponentially over the next several years. Recognizing this, we are thrilled to launch the Associate Pathways for Careers in AI.

Step Forward into a Career in AI, Emerging Tech.

  • Career Launchpad:

    A direct path to kickstart your career with reputable companies.
  • Cultural Alignment:

    Learn about and adapt to the corporate culture of potential employers.
  • Diverse Opportunities:

    Variety of roles and industries to find the best fit for your skills and interests.
  • Exposure to Top Companies:

    Access to a network of leading businesses seeking skilled professionals.
  • Industry-Ready Skills:

    Training focuses on making you immediately effective in your role.
  • Tailored Career Development:

    Receive personalized mentoring and constructive feedback.

Source: AI 50 2024 Forbes Sequoia Meritech

Our active cohorts are  smaller group of 20-25 members in various roles catering to clients’ talent pipeline.

However, our goal is to expand the horizon of opportunities for those not part of active cohorts. We would like to invite interested candidates to join our Slack community to stay informed about our talent initiatives and connect with other community members.

Ariana.Digital is a digital consulting agency specialized in providing design, data, and emerging technology services, with a particular focus on delivering exceptional omnichannel customer experiences.